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In The House (Dans la maison)


Winner of the Golden Shell best film award of the San Sebastian International Film Festival, "In the House" is the latest film from French director François Ozon. Based on the play by Spanish playwright Juan Mayorga, the movie is built on a set of mirrors that reflect drama and comedy, reality and fiction, emotion and intelligence.

Full of literary references, it tells the relationship between a professor of French literature and a student with a gift for writing whose compositions have as subject a classmate's family life. Gradually this increasing intrusion in private affairs leads the story to more dangerous and wicked paths.

The professor, who has encouraged the boy to write, is fully conscious of being crossing an unlawful line but does not know how to end the morbid story. This situation will make him into an accomplice and a victim at the same time of his pupil's dark and dubious intentions. With this lively, funny and witty film Ozon, once again, questions the family, the inane art and the complexities of human relationships.

Núria Farré


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With support of:
Mataró Council. Education Sabadell Council. Education Terrassa Council. Education
Cinemes Imperial. Sabadell Catholic Circle. Badalona Cinemes Girona La Calàndria Cinema. El Masnou Casal Nova Aliança. Mataró Cinema Catalunya. Terrassa Círcol catòlic. Vilanova i la Geltrú Cineclub Sabadell
Pedagogical Resources Centre. Mataró Pedagogical Resources Centre. Baix Maresme Pedagogical Resources Centre. Badalona
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