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Murder on the Orient Express, a film by Kenneth Branagh



Poirot along with Sherlock Holmes and Father Brown make up the trio of English detectives, reflective and cerebral, who are pioneers in this literary genre.

Of all the film versions of her novels that the Agatha Christie could watch, Murder on the Orient Express by Sidney Lumet is the one that satisfied her most.

With this new adaptation of the famous Christie's novel, Kenneth Branagh, a director specialized in bringing classical theatrical pieces to the cinema, obtains a precious film. The movie has a magnificent display of visual effects, an impeccable reconstruction of the period and elaborate travellings of snowy mountainous landscapes. Although these surroundings do not contribute anything to the plot,  they help distance the audience from the interior of the train, which is the only space of the story. Maybe the use of these landscapes is a lack of the director since they steal the limelight of the train and takes away the feeling of claustrophobia essential to maintain the tension.

Branagh, in his role as Poirot, stands as the main protagonist of the work. His brilliant interpretation overshadows all the other actors, whose potential is untapped. The spectators come out with the feeling of not having known these other characters well. They pursue a common aim but remain in some containment and distance that steals emotion to their gestures and words. Although the story is well known, Branagh resorts to some original plans which are typical of the theatre. So, his version shines with an own style in an excellent choral work.



Texts: Núria Farré.

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With support of:
Mataró Council. Education Sabadell Council. Education Terrassa Council. Education
Cinemes Imperial. Sabadell Catholic Circle. Badalona Cinemes Girona La Calàndria Cinema. El Masnou Casal Nova Aliança. Mataró Cinema Catalunya. Terrassa Círcol catòlic. Vilanova i la Geltrú Cineclub Sabadell
Pedagogical Resources Centre. Mataró Pedagogical Resources Centre. Baix Maresme Pedagogical Resources Centre. Badalona
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