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Haute Cuisine, the gastronomic film of the year


The film bases on the story of Delpeuch Danièle, who was the cook of President François Mitterrand. As the scriptwriters say, it focuses on "the power of the kitchen and the kitchen of power" although it deals with other topics as the organization at the presidential stoves, the great deal of rivalry and envy between the different staff members, or even the friendly relationship between the chef and the president himself.

One day, the protagonist of the film Hortense Laborie, who is a cook at the prestigious French Perigord, receives a call from the Elysee offering her the opportunity to work on the president's personal kitchen. Thanks to the authenticity of her traditional recipes that she cooks with selected ingredients and her talent and charisma, she overcomes the staff's prejudices and earns their respect and the president. Nice feelings intertwine with exquisite dishes whose beauty and fragrance flood the cinema.

The film was shot on the same Elysee when President Nicolas Sarkozy was out, attending at a G 20 summit.

To make the film, the actress Catherine Frot, who plays the character of Hortense Laborie, matured his role alongside Danièle Delpeuch and French chefs advised the director, Christian Vincent.

It will certainly be the gastronomic film of the year, served as an exceptional delicacy to the audience.



Núria Farré.

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With support of:
Mataró Council. Education Sabadell Council. Education Terrassa Council. Education
Cinemes Imperial. Sabadell Catholic Circle. Badalona Cinemes Girona La Calàndria Cinema. El Masnou Casal Nova Aliança. Mataró Cinema Catalunya. Terrassa Círcol catòlic. Vilanova i la Geltrú Cineclub Sabadell
Pedagogical Resources Centre. Mataró Pedagogical Resources Centre. Baix Maresme Pedagogical Resources Centre. Badalona
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