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The current crisis: society, serving the economy?

The current crisis: society, serving the economy?

Portfolio with documents for a film forum


Organized by: Vilafranca Solidaria. Sponsored by Vilafranca del Penedès Council and Diputación de Barcelona.


The problems that are affecting our country right now are the same problems that other countries are suffering as a result of the current economic crisis: the collapse of whole sectors of the economy (in Spain mainly real estate), the closure of thousands of companies, the significant increase in the number of unemployed, the growing debt of central, regional and local governments ... The situation is so serious that it jeopardizes our current welfare state.

What are the causes of the crisis and how have we  got there? How is this crisis different from previous ones? Where are we going now? Are there currently enough resources for all of us? Must we choose between growth and social justice? ...

To help reflect on these and other questions we have developed this portfolio of activities with different materials (texts, interviews, film excerpts, photographs ...). With all this we try to enlighten students on the reality that surrounds us.


- Dossier 1: Tulipmania and other crisis (text in Catalan) / Video 1: Tulipmania (audio in Spanish)

- Dossier 2: Origins of the current crisis (text in Catalan) / Video 2: Origins of the current crisis (audio in Spanish)

- Dossier 3: Now what? (Text in Catalan and Spanish) / Video 3: Our society after the crisis (audio in Spanish)

- Glossary of financial terms (in Catalan and Spanish).

- Online Activities: Test on economic terms used. If you want to measure your level of knowledge of economic terminology used, try to do this self-correcting test.


If after studying the subject you want to contribute with your opinion, you can do it through our Facebook link (at the top of the page).



Video 1:Tulipmania (audio and words in Spanish)
Video 2: Origin of The Current Crisis (audio and words in Spanish)
Vídeo 3: Our Society After the Current Crisis (audio and words in Spanish)